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Roshni-Ramakrishna Mission
Ashrama, Gwalior


Welcome to ROSHNI


ROSHNI (Rehabilitation Opportunities, Services and Health for the Neurologically Impaired) was founded in 1998 as a project of the Ramakrishna Mission Ashrama, Gwalior, Madhya Pradesh, to provide services for persons with Cerebral Palsy, Mental Retardation, Autism and other neurological multiple impairments, in and around Gwalior. raise awareness about disabilities, to reach out to remote areas , build capacities and strengthen the knowledge and skills of the families, professionals, educational and social organisations, to enable the inclusion of persons with disability into the community.

Roshni is a Facilitation Centre in Madhya Pradesh, for the National Trust for the Welfare of Persons with Autism, Cerebral Palsy, and Mental Retardation & Multiple Disabilities and also the NGO member of the National Trust Local Level Committee; .thus we have an outreach to neighbouring rural districts in the less developed Northern Madhya Pradesh. We are conducting Awareness Camps and other activities in the Rural areas of these districts and mentoring and supporting the services of the NGOs in smaller district towns.


( Link the National Trust in the above paragraph to the Nation trust website )

Vision :

To Create an environment in which persons with disabilities and their families are supported and fully accepted with equal rights into society.




Support persons with Neurological developmental disabilities and their families through services and trainings. We provide an enabling environment to help Persons with Disabilities become empowered and live meaningful lives.

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